Thriving Thursday: I Determine My Worth
Throughout life, we often allow others to dictate our paths to us. We let people tell us who or what we should be when we “grow up.” We allow people to say or do things that affect our self-esteem. We allow others judgments and assumptions about us become our own feelings about ourselves.
We give people too much power over us. Now is the time to take back that power. YOU determine your worth. No matter how much you try to explain your circumstance, no one knows your struggles but you and God. Why do we give people who have not walked in our shoes the power to make us feel a certain way? STOP!!!! Today is the day that you decide to no longer allow others to determine your worth. God made each of us very special and in His image. If we are made in His image and He is perfect, then we are just the way that God wanted us to be. He molded each one of us from a different set of clay so we all will not fit the same mold.
I know that it is hard to break free from old patterns of thinking but it can be done. Every day take a look in the mirror and say something that makes you unique. Daily positive affirmations are keys to improving self-esteem and self-concept.
As always, if you have a specific question or topic that you would like addressed, please feel free to email All emails are private and identity is kept anonymous.
Love, power and success in 2013 and beyond!