Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tenacious Tuesday: How To Be Tenacious!!

Have you ever though that you can be so much better than you are?  Do you sometimes hold yourself back for whatever reason?  Do you find it hard to tap into your inner self to find your true passion?  If your answer is yes to any of these questions, Tenacious Tuesdays will help you gain the power and control to reach your full potential and achieve anything you set your mind to.
In order to start our journey of tenacity, we must choose today to take the first step.  The first step is to question yourself.  We often make decisions and choices without thinking of the consequences, ramifications, results, or how the choices make us feel.  We all have that gut instinct and it is an internal guide to help us make better choices.  When we question ourselves, we must ask:
·        Is it a good choice?
·        Why do I want to make this choice?
·        Is it necessary?
·        What happens if I make this choice?  (Good and/or bad)
Often times, thinking through a decision and questioning ourselves helps us make decisions that we are proud of.  When we make rational decisions, it is more likely that we will stick to it.
The second step in our journey is goal setting.  We must be able to make realistic long term goals.  For each long term goal, it is important to create a list of short term goals that will help you reach that long term goal.  There is nothing like going on a trip and only knowing the destination but not how to get there.  Goal setting is an important part of every aspect of life.
Our next step is to believe in ourselves and our ability to reach our goals and stay true to our decisions.  We tend to be our own worst enemy.  Along with believing in ourselves, we must surround ourselves with people who support our goals and believe in us as well.  A positive support system is very necessary.  Although a person can accomplish anything if they put their mind to it, it always helps to have “cheerleaders” along the way.  Support, encouragement and accountability are extremely important.
Tenacity does not happen overnight.  It is a process and that is why I say this is our JOURNEY to being TENACIOUS!  We must be patient and know that we will have trials and errors and some successes and failures.  But what separates us from everybody else is our desire to press forward and not give up.  Our passion for our lives fuels us to keep moving on our journey.  Set the very best expectations for yourself and be patient and never give up!  After all, perseverance and not giving up is the definition of tenacious!
As always, if you have a specific question or topic that you would like addressed, please feel free to email kimestrykoaching@yahoo.com.  All emails are private and identity is kept anonymous.
Love, power and success in 2013 and beyond!

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