Monday, May 12, 2014

Why I Don't Hate Mondays

For a long time, I used to hate to see the weekend leave and the new workweek begin.  I absolutely hated Mondays! There was nothing in this world worse than a Monday morning.  On Sunday night, my dread would start.  I would begin thinking about the following day and almost start to have an anxiety attack.  But one Monday a few years back, something came over me and I had a mindset change.  It was 6 am and I was getting dressed for work.  I had a long mental list of things that I had to do that day.  As I thought about the list, I realized that it was unrealistic.  As a matter of fact, it was downright stupid.  The things on that list could not have been completed by Superwoman in one day.  I was setting myself up for failure and disappointment.  That moment, changed my life.  It was truly an epiphany!

The moment I realized that  I am not Superwoman but I am human, things changed.  I now looked at Mondays different.  I wrote down my mental list so that I see it.  Writing it down helped me to see that it really was too much to do in one day.  That is when Monday became my planning day.  I now take Monday as my day to plan for my week.  Instead of dreading all that I have to do on Monday, I know look forward to planning what I have to do. 

When planning, I take the time to make 3 lists, Work, Home, and Personal.  On the work list, I write ideas that have brewed over the weekend and how I can bring them to life, clients that I have to meet with during the week and any jobs that need to be completed during the week.  The home list includes:  meals for the week, chores that need to be completed and any family activities that are scheduled for the week.  My personal list is just that, personal.  It lists the things that  I need to do for myself.

Once I have completed my lists, I take out my calendar and put everything on the calendar.  I give every task a date and every appointment or activity a time. This allows me to have my week at a glance and not feel overwhelmed by Monday and trying to get things done in one day.  Planning is critical in almost every aspect of our lives.  We need guidance and a plan is just that.  It helps us get from one place to another and in this case, it helps us get from Monday to Friday! 

As always, if you have a specific question or topic that you would like addressed, please email and your answer may be in the next blog! 

Power and success in 2014 and beyond!

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